New homes found for church pews

19th January 2019

Times are changing and, across the country, churches are being adapted to offer flexible and adaptable space that can help strengthen communities and St John's Church in Glastonbury is undergoing such a change. The Mendip Auction Rooms were pleased to receive instructions to offer the existing church pews for sale and their antiques sale on 12th January was received with an incredible level of interest, particularly from Glastonbury residents keen to buy a part of Glastonbury’s history. Their sale help raise much needed funds but it is great that so many pews remained in the town to be given a new lease of live. The pews sold above estimate at prices up to £500 each with an oak and pine pew screen with seven gothic tracery panels generating particularly strong interest selling for £2,600.

Lustres were popular in the Victorian times and comprised of a glass bowl or candlestick, often made and sold as pairs, with attached decorative prismatic drops of glass or crystal. Also offered at the January antiques sale were a pair of very fine Bohemian lustres, the bowls set with alternative vignettes of Deutsche Blumen and polychrome portraits of young ladies. This excellent example caught the eye of potential purchasers in the room, on the internet and on the phone and after strong bidding, they sold well above estimate for £1000.

Two very interesting Japanese ivory figures also caught the eye of buyers and sold to advantage. Dating from the Meiji period (1868 – 1912), a figure of a Geisha achieved £2,100 whilst a further one of Jurojin, the god of longevity, realised £1,500. A large and very unusual Poole pottery vase made £1,100.

The market for antique furniture has been depressed for some time now as fashions have changed and the preference for flat pack furniture has grown. Killens are finding however that quality furniture is in demand and a good example was the sale of an early Victorian walnut cabinet, the plain rectangular top over a frieze carved with Laub und Bandelwerk and the pillars decorated with carved acanthus swags that sold in January for £420.

Killens stage three sales each month at the Mendip Auction Rooms. Two sales are of Victorian and Later Effects including more modern furniture and household effects with a monthly sale of Antiques and Collectables where jewellery, silver, pictures, furniture, collectables, militaria, rugs, clocks and so on are sold. They are delighted to support local charities and good causes by selling for 0% commission.

Expert valuation advice at the auction rooms is provided by Nicky Houston BA (Hons) MRICS GA Cert and Simon Ball MRICS supported by a range of experts. Valuations are conducted each weekday morning until 1pm and Nicky will be conducting a valuation morning of silver and jewellery at the Wells office of Killens on Wednesday 6th February. The next Antiques sale will be held on Saturday 9th February.

Normal opening hours

Monday - Friday
10am - 5pm
Valuation Days
Monday - Thursday
10.00am - 3.00pm or home visits by appointment
Sunday following a Saturday sale
9.00am - 12.00pm

Supported by

KillensThe SaleroomAuction Logistics